______________2024/2025 Academic Year______________

Note: Always clear your browser cache and refresh the web page to view here updated info about trips..

We have bus seats available for all trips, no wait list.  If you are looking to buy bus tickets at a low cost throughout the entire academic year, then you are at the right place. Our price includes all transaction costs with no hidden fees.  Enjoy stability and predictability when you choose our service. Have a safe and enjoyable trip!
  • To lower the cost of tickets, we removed the least used bus stop in Neshaminy Mall.
  • Please use tabs located at the bottom of the header above to navigate the pages. You will find an itinerary on the Bus Schedules page and the bus stops locations on the Bus Stops page.
  • Please go to the Tickets ---> Order Form page and sign in.
  • Please go to the Tickets ---> PayPal page to make the payment.
  • Please check your virtual (no hard copy) ticket before boarding the bus following directions provided on the Tickets ---> Order Form page.


Chartered Bus between Cornell University and Philadelphia

is available for five school breaks as a collaborative effort of Cornell Parents of Greater Philadelphia for transporting students to and from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pooled resources are used to charter a bus specifically for the services outlined on this website. As such, this website is provided as a means to facilitate the organization of this service which is offered for the five breaks during the school year as listed in the Bus Schedule Section.

The travel time by bus between Cornell and Philadelphia, PA averages between 4.5 to 5.5 hours, with one rest stop for food on each trip. The bus stop locations are:


  • North Campus (North Cross at Jessup Rd)
  • West Campus (336 West Ave)

Philadelphia area:

  • Allentown Service Plaza (access to Northeast Extension (I-476) of PA Turnpike)
  • Plymouth Meeting Mall (access to I-476 & PA Turnpike)
  • Amtrak Train Station with SEPTA public transportation system providing access to University City and PHL Airport
  • King of Prussia, Penn DOT Park & Ride parking lot  (access to PA Turnpike)



  • Please go to the Tickets ---> Order Form page and sign in.

  • Please go to the Tickets --->PayPal page to make the payment.

  • The cost of the trip is: $120.00 (round); $68.00 (one-way). No additional payment processing fee charges.